Saudi MoJ enables remote deposits of checks for enforcement applicants
Saudi MoJ enables remote deposits of checks for enforcement applicants

In line with the government’s Covid-19 measures, the Saudi Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has launched an e-service enabling enforcement applicants to remotely receive the amount of checks into their bank accounts without having to visit any court.
“The beneficiary receives a verification link on his or her mobile number. Recipients click on the link and enter the required banking data, which the ministry verifies,” the MoJ said. “Then the value of the check is deposited directly into their bank account, from the comfort of their homes.”
“The e-service will gradually cover all enforcement applicants, including individuals, corporate directors, and sole proprietors,” the ministry added.
Through its portal and the Unified Communication Center (1950), the MoJ also provides many e-services related to courts, enforcement, notarization, mediation, and law practice. Helping clients obtain judicial services without leaving their homes.